srp_test.log.svn-base 28 KB

  1. materialPath: E:\compiling dire\materials
  2. Loading D:\HL_1-2_SDK\Source_SRC\Map-SRC\Source(Generic)\Steven_Test_map\srp_test.vmf
  3. Patching WVT material: maps/srp_test/dev/dev_blendmeasure_wvt_patch
  4. Patching WVT material: maps/srp_test/dev/dev_blendmeasure2_wvt_patch
  5. fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
  6. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Processing areas...done (0)
  7. Building Faces...done (0)
  8. FixTjuncs...
  9. PruneNodes...
  10. WriteBSP...
  11. done (2)
  12. writing D:\HL_1-2_SDK\Source_SRC\Map-SRC\Source(Generic)\Steven_Test_map\srp_test.prt...Building visibility clusters...
  13. done (0)
  14. Creating default LDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
  15. skybox/sky_day01_01*.vmt
  16. ! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
  17. Creating default HDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
  18. skybox/sky_day01_01*.vmt
  19. ! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
  20. Finding displacement neighbors...
  21. Finding lightmap sample positions...
  22. Displacement Alpha : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
  23. Building Physics collision data...
  24. done (0) (485713 bytes)
  25. Error! prop_static using model "models/props_c17/furniturefridge001a.mdl", which must be used on a dynamic entity (i.e. prop_physics). Deleted.
  26. Error loading studio model "models/props_c17/furniturefridge001a.mdl"!
  27. Placing detail props : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
  28. Compacting texture/material tables...
  29. Reduced 2093 texinfos to 1089
  30. Reduced 13 texdatas to 11 (321 bytes to 253)
  31. Writing D:\HL_1-2_SDK\Source_SRC\Map-SRC\Source(Generic)\Steven_Test_map\srp_test.bsp
  32. 8 seconds elapsed
  33. 4 threads
  34. reading d:\hl_1-2_sdk\source_src\map-src\source(generic)\steven_test_map\srp_test.bsp
  35. reading d:\hl_1-2_sdk\source_src\map-src\source(generic)\steven_test_map\srp_test.prt
  36. 6829 portalclusters
  37. 11764 numportals
  38. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Optimized: 1582988 visible clusters (0.00%)
  39. Total clusters visible: 18334761
  40. Average clusters visible: 2684
  41. Building PAS...
  42. Average clusters audible: 6595
  43. visdatasize:9477962 compressed from 11691248
  44. writing d:\hl_1-2_sdk\source_src\map-src\source(generic)\steven_test_map\srp_test.bsp
  45. 12 seconds elapsed
  46. [Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
  47. [52 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']
  48. Loading d:\hl_1-2_sdk\source_src\map-src\source(generic)\steven_test_map\srp_test.bsp
  49. 36808 faces
  50. 3317263 square feet [477685888.00 square inches]
  51. 1 Displacements
  52. 13932 Square Feet [2006211.13 Square Inches]
  53. 36808 patches before subdivision
  54. 36808 patches after subdivision
  55. 8 direct lights
  56. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10transfers 24115385, max 6518
  57. transfer lists: 184.0 megs
  58. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #1 added RGB(154924, 58034, 20688)
  59. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #2 added RGB(34062, 5215, 872)
  60. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #3 added RGB(8349, 476, 39)
  61. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #4 added RGB(2230, 51, 3)
  62. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #5 added RGB(614, 5, 0)
  63. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #6 added RGB(176, 1, 0)
  64. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #7 added RGB(51, 0, 0)
  65. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #8 added RGB(15, 0, 0)
  66. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #9 added RGB(5, 0, 0)
  67. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #10 added RGB(1, 0, 0)
  68. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #11 added RGB(0, 0, 0)
  69. Build Patch/Sample Hash Table(s).....Done<0.2104 sec>
  70. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10FinalLightFace Done
  71. 0 of 0 (0% of) surface lights went in leaf ambient cubes.
  72. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Writing leaf ambient...done
  73. Ready to Finish
  74. Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
  75. ------------ --------------- --------------- --------
  76. models 39/1024 1872/49152 ( 3.8%)
  77. brushes 1346/8192 16152/98304 (16.4%)
  78. brushsides 8484/65536 67872/524288 (12.9%)
  79. planes 2362/65536 47240/1310720 ( 3.6%)
  80. vertexes 50790/65536 609480/786432 (77.5%)
  81. nodes 16848/65536 539136/2097152 (25.7%)
  82. texinfos 1089/12288 78408/884736 ( 8.9%)
  83. texdata 11/2048 352/65536 ( 0.5%)
  84. dispinfos 1/0 176/0 ( 0.0%)
  85. disp_verts 81/0 1620/0 ( 0.0%)
  86. disp_tris 128/0 256/0 ( 0.0%)
  87. disp_lmsamples 15624/0 15624/0 ( 0.0%)
  88. faces 36808/65536 2061248/3670016 (56.2%)
  89. hdr faces 36808/65536 2061248/3670016 (56.2%)
  90. origfaces 4491/65536 251496/3670016 ( 6.9%)
  91. leaves 16888/65536 540416/2097152 (25.8%)
  92. leaffaces 38474/65536 76948/131072 (58.7%)
  93. leafbrushes 14763/65536 29526/131072 (22.5%)
  94. areas 2/256 16/2048 ( 0.8%)
  95. surfedges 189681/512000 758724/2048000 (37.0%)
  96. edges 98688/256000 394752/1024000 (38.5%)
  97. LDR worldlights 0/8192 0/720896 ( 0.0%)
  98. HDR worldlights 8/8192 704/720896 ( 0.1%)
  99. leafwaterdata 0/32768 0/393216 ( 0.0%)
  100. waterstrips 2437/32768 24370/327680 ( 7.4%)
  101. waterverts 0/65536 0/786432 ( 0.0%)
  102. waterindices 56436/65536 112872/131072 (86.1%) VERY FULL!
  103. cubemapsamples 0/1024 0/16384 ( 0.0%)
  104. overlays 0/512 0/180224 ( 0.0%)
  105. LDR lightdata [variable] 0/0 ( 0.0%)
  106. HDR lightdata [variable] 6746652/0 ( 0.0%)
  107. visdata [variable] 9477962/16777216 (56.5%)
  108. entdata [variable] 26402/393216 ( 6.7%)
  109. LDR ambient table 16888/65536 67552/262144 (25.8%)
  110. HDR ambient table 16888/65536 67552/262144 (25.8%)
  111. LDR leaf ambient 16888/65536 472864/1835008 (25.8%)
  112. HDR leaf ambient 37411/65536 1047508/1835008 (57.1%)
  113. occluders 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
  114. occluder polygons 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
  115. occluder vert ind 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
  116. detail props [variable] 1/12 ( 8.3%)
  117. static props [variable] 1/800 ( 0.1%)
  118. pakfile [variable] 87404/0 ( 0.0%)
  119. physics [variable] 485713/4194304 (11.6%)
  120. physics terrain [variable] 321/1048576 ( 0.0%)
  121. Level flags = 0
  122. Total triangle count: 98018
  123. Writing d:\hl_1-2_sdk\source_src\map-src\source(generic)\steven_test_map\srp_test.bsp
  124. 2 minutes, 19 seconds elapsed
  125. materialPath: E:\compiling dire\materials
  126. Loading D:\HL_1-2_SDK\Source_SRC\Map-SRC\Source(Generic)\Steven_Test_map\srp_test.vmf
  127. Patching WVT material: maps/srp_test/dev/dev_blendmeasure_wvt_patch
  128. Patching WVT material: maps/srp_test/dev/dev_blendmeasure2_wvt_patch
  129. fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
  130. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Processing areas...done (0)
  131. Building Faces...done (0)
  132. Chop Details...done (0)
  133. Find Visible Detail Sides...done (0)
  134. Merging details...done (0)
  135. FixTjuncs...
  136. PruneNodes...
  137. WriteBSP...
  138. done (3)
  139. writing D:\HL_1-2_SDK\Source_SRC\Map-SRC\Source(Generic)\Steven_Test_map\srp_test.prt...Building visibility clusters...
  140. done (0)
  141. Creating default LDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
  142. skybox/sky_day01_01*.vmt
  143. ! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
  144. Creating default HDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
  145. skybox/sky_day01_01*.vmt
  146. ! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
  147. Finding displacement neighbors...
  148. Finding lightmap sample positions...
  149. Displacement Alpha : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
  150. Building Physics collision data...
  151. done (1) (572201 bytes)
  152. Placing detail props : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
  153. Compacting texture/material tables...
  154. Reduced 2976 texinfos to 1715
  155. Reduced 15 texdatas to 13 (361 bytes to 293)
  156. Writing D:\HL_1-2_SDK\Source_SRC\Map-SRC\Source(Generic)\Steven_Test_map\srp_test.bsp
  157. 8 seconds elapsed
  158. 4 threads
  159. reading d:\hl_1-2_sdk\source_src\map-src\source(generic)\steven_test_map\srp_test.bsp
  160. reading d:\hl_1-2_sdk\source_src\map-src\source(generic)\steven_test_map\srp_test.prt
  161. 7140 portalclusters
  162. 13278 numportals
  163. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Optimized: 2173665 visible clusters (0.00%)
  164. Total clusters visible: 20184769
  165. Average clusters visible: 2826
  166. Building PAS...
  167. Average clusters audible: 6911
  168. visdatasize:10381994 compressed from 12794880
  169. writing d:\hl_1-2_sdk\source_src\map-src\source(generic)\steven_test_map\srp_test.bsp
  170. 14 seconds elapsed
  171. [Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
  172. [52 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']
  173. Loading d:\hl_1-2_sdk\source_src\map-src\source(generic)\steven_test_map\srp_test.bsp
  174. 37541 faces
  175. 3215989 square feet [463102464.00 square inches]
  176. 1 Displacements
  177. 13932 Square Feet [2006211.13 Square Inches]
  178. 37541 patches before subdivision
  179. 37541 patches after subdivision
  180. 20 direct lights
  181. 0.
  182. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (52.000000, 3576.000000, 81.000000)
  183. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-8.000000, 3740.000000, 81.000000)
  184. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (8.000000, 3804.000000, 81.000000)
  185. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (24.000000, 3804.000000, 81.000000)
  186. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (8.000000, 3804.000000, 81.000000)
  187. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (96.000000, 3536.000000, 81.000000)
  188. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (96.000000, 3616.000000, 81.000000)
  189. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (264.000000, 3480.000000, 81.000000)
  190. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (168.000000, 3496.000000, 81.000000)
  191. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (104.000000, 3512.000000, 81.000000)
  192. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (232.000000, 3512.000000, 81.000000)
  193. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (232.000000, 3512.000000, 81.000000)
  194. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (232.000000, 3512.000000, 81.000000)
  195. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (104.000000, 3528.000000, 81.000000)
  196. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (216.000000, 3576.000000, 81.000000)
  197. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (232.000000, 3576.000000, 81.000000)
  198. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (472.000000, 3568.000000, 81.000000)
  199. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (104.000000, 3576.000000, 81.000000)
  200. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (104.000000, 3576.000000, 81.000000)
  201. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (120.000000, 3576.000000, 81.000000)
  202. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (136.000000, 3576.000000, 81.000000)
  203. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (232.000000, 3576.000000, 81.000000)
  204. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (312.000000, 3592.000000, 81.000000)
  205. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (248.000000, 3608.000000, 81.000000)
  206. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (248.000000, 3592.000000, 81.000000)
  207. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (248.000000, 3624.000000, 81.000000)
  208. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (360.000000, 3592.000000, 81.000000)
  209. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (376.000000, 3592.000000, 81.000000)
  210. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (456.000000, 3584.000000, 81.000000)
  211. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-8.000000, 3596.000000, 81.000000)
  212. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (232.000000, 3512.000000, 81.000000)
  213. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (232.000000, 3576.000000, 81.000000)
  214. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (232.000000, 3576.000000, 81.000000)
  215. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (232.000000, 3576.000000, 81.000000)
  216. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (248.000000, 3608.000000, 81.000000)
  217. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (312.000000, 3608.000000, 81.000000)
  218. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (344.000000, 3608.000000, 81.000000)
  219. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (232.000000, 3512.000000, 81.000000)
  220. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (440.000000, 3568.000000, 81.000000)
  221. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (456.000000, 3568.000000, 81.000000)
  222. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-8.000000, 3448.000000, 81.000000)
  223. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (232.000000, 3592.000000, 81.000000)
  224. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (8.000000, 3676.000000, 81.000000)
  225. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (639.000000, 3764.000000, 88.000000)
  226. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (641.858826, 3607.272949, 88.000000)
  227. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (452.000000, 3612.000000, 85.000000)
  228. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (452.000000, 3612.000000, 85.000000)
  229. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (452.000000, 3612.000000, 85.000000)
  230. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (454.000000, 3734.000000, 132.000214)
  231. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (453.000000, 3740.000000, 84.000000)
  232. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (453.000000, 3614.000000, 124.000000)
  233. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (252.000000, 3639.000000, 86.000000)
  234. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (259.000000, 3607.000000, 96.000000)
  235. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (147.999496, 3851.000000, 255.500000)
  236. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (100.000000, 3695.000000, 120.000000)
  237. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (100.000000, 3754.000000, 120.000000)
  238. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (100.000000, 3695.000000, 120.000000)
  239. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (100.000000, 3695.000000, 88.000000)
  240. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (200.000000, 3583.000000, 86.000000)
  241. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (232.000000, 3523.000000, 101.000000)
  242. .
  243. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (96.000000, 3667.000000, 68.000000)
  244. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (9.000000, 3800.000000, 160.000000)
  245. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (3.999500, 3687.000000, 175.500000)
  246. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (9.000000, 3744.000000, 160.000000)
  247. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (9.000000, 3815.999023, 175.500000)
  248. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (9.000000, 3719.999023, 175.500000)
  249. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (9.000000, 3799.999023, 95.500000)
  250. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (9.000000, 3847.999023, 159.500000)
  251. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (9.000000, 3815.999023, 175.500000)
  252. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (42.000000, 3806.000000, 104.000000)
  253. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (43.000000, 3806.000000, 104.000000)
  254. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (42.000000, 3806.000000, 118.000000)
  255. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (43.000000, 3806.000000, 118.000000)
  256. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (24.000000, 3808.000000, 100.000000)
  257. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (24.000000, 3808.000000, 100.000000)
  258. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (40.000000, 3808.000000, 100.000000)
  259. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (24.000000, 3808.000000, 100.000000)
  260. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (24.000000, 3808.000000, 116.000000)
  261. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (24.000000, 3808.000000, 116.000000)
  262. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (40.000000, 3808.000000, 116.000000)
  263. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (24.000000, 3808.000000, 116.000000)
  264. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (115.999496, 3851.000000, 255.500000)
  265. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (56.000000, 3816.000000, 120.000000)
  266. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (24.000000, 3810.000000, 120.000000)
  267. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (24.000000, 3796.000000, 101.000000)
  268. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (24.000000, 3796.000000, 115.000000)
  269. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (43.000000, 3815.000000, 110.000000)
  270. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (42.000000, 3816.000000, 110.000000)
  271. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (24.000000, 3807.000000, 120.000000)
  272. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (24.000000, 3816.000000, 120.000000)
  273. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (43.000000, 3815.000000, 96.000000)
  274. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (42.000000, 3816.000000, 96.000000)
  275. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (51.999500, 3851.000000, 95.500000)
  276. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-8.000000, 3795.000000, 72.001221)
  277. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (639.000000, 3732.000000, 88.000000)
  278. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (528.000000, 3716.000000, 73.000000)
  279. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (641.858826, 3607.272949, 88.000000)
  280. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-48.000000, 3687.000000, 159.500000)
  281. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-128.000000, 3687.000000, 127.500000)
  282. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-144.000000, 3687.000000, 127.500000)
  283. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-38.999676, 3844.000000, 121.000000)
  284. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-38.999676, 3814.000000, 121.000000)
  285. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-38.999676, 3812.000000, 121.000000)
  286. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-14.999676, 3702.000000, 153.000000)
  287. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-15.000000, 3685.000000, 157.000000)
  288. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-38.999676, 3810.183594, 114.598763)
  289. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-38.999676, 3808.371338, 117.306389)
  290. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-168.000000, 3688.000000, 81.000000)
  291. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-39.000900, 3815.000000, 128.000000)
  292. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-168.000000, 3688.000000, 81.000000)
  293. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-56.000000, 3512.000000, 81.000000)
  294. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (8.000000, 3432.000000, 81.000000)
  295. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-24.000000, 3528.000000, 81.000000)
  296. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-24.000000, 3560.000000, 81.000000)
  297. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-24.000000, 3560.000000, 81.000000)
  298. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-24.000000, 3560.000000, 81.000000)
  299. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-24.000000, 3528.000000, 81.000000)
  300. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-24.000000, 3528.000000, 81.000000)
  301. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-56.000000, 3576.000000, 81.000000)
  302. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (4.000000, 3576.000000, 81.000000)
  303. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-8.000000, 3528.000000, 81.000000)
  304. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-56.000000, 3596.000000, 81.000000)
  305. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-55.000000, 3599.999023, 143.500000)
  306. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-7.000000, 3584.000000, 128.000000)
  307. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-7.000000, 3536.000000, 183.000000)
  308. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-7.000000, 3584.000000, 96.000000)
  309. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-7.000000, 3584.000000, 135.000000)
  310. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-7.000000, 3584.000000, 128.000000)
  311. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-7.000000, 3584.000000, 167.000000)
  312. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-7.000000, 3584.000000, 128.000000)
  313. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-7.000000, 3576.000000, 76.000000)
  314. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-5.000000, 3584.000000, 192.000000)
  315. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-5.000000, 3584.000000, 130.500000)
  316. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-16.000000, 3568.000000, 118.000000)
  317. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-24.000000, 3577.000000, 167.000000)
  318. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-24.000000, 3577.000000, 128.000000)
  319. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-4.000504, 3587.000000, 143.500000)
  320. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-24.000000, 3520.000000, 120.000000)
  321. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-16.000000, 3520.000000, 122.000000)
  322. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-16.000000, 3568.000000, 122.000000)
  323. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-4.312124, 3530.225830, 167.000000)
  324. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-12.922623, 3514.070313, 167.000000)
  325. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-21.778286, 3582.507568, 167.000000)
  326. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-13.397388, 3586.031006, 135.000000)
  327. .
  328. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-10.000000, 3584.000000, 130.000000)
  329. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-4.312124, 3530.225830, 128.000000)
  330. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-2.432767, 3545.539795, 128.000000)
  331. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-21.778286, 3582.507568, 128.000000)
  332. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-13.397388, 3586.031006, 96.000000)
  333. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-48.000000, 3448.000000, 121.000000)
  334. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-32.000000, 3416.000000, 121.000000)
  335. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-34.000000, 3416.000000, 121.000000)
  336. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-53.000000, 3432.000000, 121.000000)
  337. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-36.000000, 3416.000000, 121.000000)
  338. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-37.000000, 3444.000000, 121.000000)
  339. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-48.000000, 3416.000000, 121.000000)
  340. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-64.000000, 3462.000000, 126.000000)
  341. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-19.998749, 3521.000000, 115.500000)
  342. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-12.373057, 3448.000000, 117.302010)
  343. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-21.345400, 3496.000000, 128.908173)
  344. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-14.181269, 3432.000000, 114.601791)
  345. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-12.372815, 3432.000000, 117.302689)
  346. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-14.181482, 3416.000000, 114.601524)
  347. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-19.000000, 3399.999023, 128.000000)
  348. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-16.000000, 3417.000000, 112.000000)
  349. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-104.000000, 3596.000000, 239.000000)
  350. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-52.000504, 3587.000000, 143.500000)
  351. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...
  352. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (62.000000, 3572.500000, 136.000000)
  353. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (94.000984, 3674.000000, 150.500000)
  354. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (123.500000, 3681.000000, 136.000000)
  355. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (94.000984, 3682.000000, 150.500000)
  356. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (-6.999025, 3805.000000, 148.500000)
  357. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (14.500000, 3812.000000, 142.000000)
  358. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (449.000000, 3616.000000, 124.000000)
  359. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (448.000000, 3548.000000, 85.000000)
  360. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (448.000000, 3548.000000, 85.000000)
  361. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (448.000000, 3548.000000, 85.000000)
  362. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (450.000000, 3579.999756, 116.000214)
  363. WARNING: Too many light styles on a face at (449.000000, 3612.000000, 84.000000)
  364. 100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10transfers 23663035, max 6690
  365. transfer lists: 180.5 megs
  366. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #1 added RGB(151412, 56661, 20135)
  367. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #2 added RGB(33589, 5120, 850)
  368. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #3 added RGB(8108, 460, 37)
  369. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #4 added RGB(2159, 49, 2)
  370. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #5 added RGB(590, 5, 0)
  371. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #6 added RGB(169, 1, 0)
  372. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #7 added RGB(49, 0, 0)
  373. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #8 added RGB(15, 0, 0)
  374. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #9 added RGB(4, 0, 0)
  375. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #10 added RGB(1, 0, 0)
  376. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #11 added RGB(0, 0, 0)
  377. Build Patch/Sample Hash Table(s).....Done<0.1961 sec>
  378. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10FinalLightFace Done
  379. 0 of 0 (0% of) surface lights went in leaf ambient cubes.
  380. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Writing leaf ambient...done
  381. Ready to Finish
  382. Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
  383. ------------ --------------- --------------- --------
  384. models 47/1024 2256/49152 ( 4.6%)
  385. brushes 1550/8192 18600/98304 (18.9%)
  386. brushsides 10307/65536 82456/524288 (15.7%)
  387. planes 4072/65536 81440/1310720 ( 6.2%)
  388. vertexes 51867/65536 622404/786432 (79.1%)
  389. nodes 17501/65536 560032/2097152 (26.7%)
  390. texinfos 1715/12288 123480/884736 (14.0%)
  391. texdata 13/2048 416/65536 ( 0.6%)
  392. dispinfos 1/0 176/0 ( 0.0%)
  393. disp_verts 81/0 1620/0 ( 0.0%)
  394. disp_tris 128/0 256/0 ( 0.0%)
  395. disp_lmsamples 15624/0 15624/0 ( 0.0%)
  396. faces 37541/65536 2102296/3670016 (57.3%)
  397. hdr faces 37541/65536 2102296/3670016 (57.3%)
  398. origfaces 5441/65536 304696/3670016 ( 8.3%)
  399. leaves 17549/65536 561568/2097152 (26.8%)
  400. leaffaces 39047/65536 78094/131072 (59.6%)
  401. leafbrushes 15307/65536 30614/131072 (23.4%)
  402. areas 2/256 16/2048 ( 0.8%)
  403. surfedges 197232/512000 788928/2048000 (38.5%)
  404. edges 103019/256000 412076/1024000 (40.2%)
  405. LDR worldlights 0/8192 0/720896 ( 0.0%)
  406. HDR worldlights 20/8192 1760/720896 ( 0.2%)
  407. leafwaterdata 0/32768 0/393216 ( 0.0%)
  408. waterstrips 2407/32768 24070/327680 ( 7.3%)
  409. waterverts 0/65536 0/786432 ( 0.0%)
  410. waterindices 56235/65536 112470/131072 (85.8%) VERY FULL!
  411. cubemapsamples 0/1024 0/16384 ( 0.0%)
  412. overlays 0/512 0/180224 ( 0.0%)
  413. LDR lightdata [variable] 0/0 ( 0.0%)
  414. HDR lightdata [variable] 6688904/0 ( 0.0%)
  415. visdata [variable] 10381994/16777216 (61.9%)
  416. entdata [variable] 32340/393216 ( 8.2%)
  417. LDR ambient table 17549/65536 70196/262144 (26.8%)
  418. HDR ambient table 17549/65536 70196/262144 (26.8%)
  419. LDR leaf ambient 17549/65536 491372/1835008 (26.8%)
  420. HDR leaf ambient 35946/65536 1006488/1835008 (54.8%)
  421. occluders 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
  422. occluder polygons 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
  423. occluder vert ind 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
  424. detail props [variable] 1/12 ( 8.3%)
  425. static props [variable] 1/688 ( 0.1%)
  426. pakfile [variable] 87404/0 ( 0.0%)
  427. physics [variable] 572201/4194304 (13.6%)
  428. physics terrain [variable] 321/1048576 ( 0.0%)
  429. Level flags = 0
  430. Total triangle count: 100184
  431. Writing d:\hl_1-2_sdk\source_src\map-src\source(generic)\steven_test_map\srp_test.bsp
  432. 2 minutes, 25 seconds elapsed