settings.txt 3.0 KB

  1. // !!!! Set wad pathes here for hlrad. (no need for wad files that have been included into bsp)
  2. #ifdef <hlrad>
  3. #define -waddir "D:\HL_1-2_SDK\Goldsource_SRC\Wads"
  4. #define -waddir "D:\HL_1-2_SDK\Goldsource_SRC\Wads\MeckV_Final"
  5. #define -waddir "D:\HL_1-2_SDK\Goldsource_SRC\Wads\Mecklenburg_rain\B5"
  6. #endif
  7. // What is this file designed for :
  8. // It provides a simple way of adding custom settings such as pathes and changing default behaviors of the compiler.
  9. // This file is not a must since you can always set any argument through command line.
  10. // How does this file works :
  11. // It modifies command line arguments directly when the program starts.
  12. // Each word begins with '#' is a command which can be followed with some parameters (denote as A B C).
  13. // List of commands:
  14. // #ifdef A B C If there is a sequence of parameters in the command line that matches A B C, execute the following commands till an '#else' or '#endif'.
  15. // #ifndef A B C If there is not a sequence of parameters in the command line that matches A B C, execute the following commands till an '#else' or '#endif'.
  16. // #else If previous commands has been skipped, execute the following commands till an '#else' or '#endif'.
  17. // #define A B C Add parameters A B C to the end of the command line.
  18. // #undef A B C Remove any sequence of patamenters in the command line that matches A B C.
  19. // Special kinds of parameters:
  20. // First character '*' Match a parameter as long as it ends with specific string.
  21. // Last character '*' Match a parameter as long as it begins with specific string.
  22. // <program name> Match program name.
  23. // List of frequently used parameters:
  24. //
  25. // Shared:
  26. // -low
  27. // -estimate
  28. // -chart
  29. //
  30. // HLCSG:
  31. // -onlyents
  32. // -wadautodetect
  33. // -nowadtextures
  34. // -wadinclude #
  35. //
  36. // HLBSP:
  37. // -maxnodesize #
  38. //
  39. // HLVIS:
  40. // -full
  41. // -fast
  42. //
  43. // HLRAD:
  44. // -waddir #
  45. // -extra
  46. // -sparse
  47. // -nomatrix
  48. // -bounce #
  49. // -smooth #
  50. // -smooth2 #
  51. // -chop #
  52. // -texchop #
  53. // -coring #
  54. //
  55. // RIPENT:
  56. // -export
  57. // -import
  58. // -parse
  59. #ifndef <ripent> // CSG\BSP\VIS\RAD
  60. #ifndef -high
  61. #define -low
  62. #endif
  63. //#define -estimate
  64. #endif
  65. #ifdef <hlcsg> // CSG
  66. //#define -onlyents
  67. #define -wadautodetect
  68. //#define -nowadtextures
  69. #endif
  70. #ifdef <hlbsp> // BSP
  71. #endif
  72. #ifdef <hlvis> // VIS
  73. //#define -fast
  74. #ifndef -fast
  75. //#define -full
  76. #endif
  77. #endif
  78. #ifdef <hlrad> // RAD
  79. //#define -extra
  80. //#define -sparse
  81. #endif
  82. #ifdef <ripent> // RIPENT
  83. //#define -parse
  84. #ifndef -import
  85. #ifndef -export
  86. #define -pause
  87. #define -chart
  88. #ifdef *.bsp
  89. #define -export
  90. #endif
  91. #ifdef *.ent
  92. #define -import
  93. #endif
  94. #ifdef *.tex
  95. #define -import
  96. #endif
  97. #ifdef *.wad
  98. #define -import
  99. #endif
  100. #endif
  101. #endif
  102. #endif