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  6. <title>Creating new sprite</title>
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  9. <p><b><span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:Tahoma">Creating a
  10. new sprite</span></b></p>
  11. <p><span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:Tahoma">To create a
  12. new sprite, you must use File-&gt;New sprite (Ctrl+N) After you click it, the
  13. Wizard window will pop-up. From that point you can create sprite in two ways:</span></p>
  14. <p><span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:Tahoma">1) From
  15. scratch - you must have ready a collection of bitmaps <br>
  16. 2) from .qc file - you must decompile a sprite in order to get a collection of
  17. bitmaps and .qc file, or you can always make that by yourself </span></p>
  18. <p><span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:Tahoma">Next stage -
  19. adding bitmaps to your sprite file. You'll see here a list with the buttons:
  20. Add/Remove/Up/Down/Sort near it. If you selected the 1st option in the first
  21. wizard’s page, the list will be clear and you must add bitmaps to it (Add
  22. button). If you selected option 2, the list will be filled with paths to
  23. bitmaps, all that information will be parsed from .qc file. Adding frames to
  24. that list is very easy, you can select multiple files in select dialog, then
  25. sort all them in list. Also you can select multiple items in bitmaps list in
  26. order to move down/up or remove. Remember that bitmaps order is very important,
  27. because sprite frames will be compiled in that order. Now you can press the next
  28. button and you'll be prompted to select the output sprite name in the Save
  29. dialog box.</span></p>
  30. <p><span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:Tahoma">The next
  31. wizard window will allow you to change the sprite's transparency mode and sprite
  32. type if needed. Detailed information about transparency kinds can be read
  33. directly on the wizard’s page. </span>
  34. <span style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:Tahoma">Also here you can change
  35. active frame for sprite compiler, which will be used to build global palette for
  36. sprite.&nbsp; </span><span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:Tahoma">When you finish, pres Next to proceed to the next
  37. stage.</span></p>
  38. <p><span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:Tahoma">This is the
  39. final page before sprite compilation. Here you can see a text box with
  40. information about the sprite. Here you can view all your settings and if
  41. something is wrong you can go back to the previous set-up stages. Also you'll
  42. see Sprite Explorers statistic on errors checking. If any problems are found
  43. they can be read here. Warnings can be of several kind - for example the image's
  44. dimensions are not multiples of 8 or they are bigger then 256 pixels. The sprite
  45. will be compiled even with these warnings, but in Half-Life there is some
  46. possibility of problems. When you are ready - click Next and your sprite will be
  47. compiled. That wasn’t too hard was it?&nbsp; ;-)</span></p>
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