ZHLT 3.0 For Half Life 1 Tool set Managed by amckern amckern@yahoo.com News Updates and downloads can be found at http://ammahls.com View the Official ZHLT Docs at http://www.zhlt.info If you are geting DLL Errors, you will need to install the Visual C++ 2005 Runtime Libraries Package Beta 2, found at http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=25ae0cd6-783b-4968-a841-38a2743307d9&DisplayLang=en -------------------- BIG THANKS to Carl "XP-Cagey" Patrick, for helping us with code, to rectify the shadow code, and other support through the 3.0 beta stage, with out you ZHLT would not be where it is to day. -------------------- 3.4 Final (25 Feb 2006) Testing is over, and no code changes have been made. The tools are now safe for use, with 32 Bit, and Windows 64. PLEASE, note that if you are going to run the 64 Bit tools, with a 32 Bit Operating System, you will get an error box telling you that you 'toolname.exe is not a valid Win32 Applaction'. - http://img517.imageshack.us/my.php?image=untitled1ty.png Testing: Solokiller, x64, Puchi, Other Members of #mapping on GameSurge IRC -------------------- 3.4 Beta (10 Dec 2005) All Tools First Relase of 64 Bit Tools Added Cpt_Andrew - Env_Sky code for SOHL Based Levels -------------------- 3.3 (9 Oct 2005) CSG Fixed Some long standing Bugs - CSG Will no longer crash, unless there is some strange reason RAD Fixed Some ZHLT Light Flag crashing - the ZHLT Flag Shadows are also slightly better Package Removed All non SDK Power tools - keeping the tools up to date was/will be a pain ALL TOOLS Corrected All .html page notes in the log file now point to www.zhlt.info. Thanks to Wraiyth For the help with the bug we sorted out over MSN, and Animis Immortal for the motavation to get the bug fixes done -------------------- (3 Apr 2005) ALL TOOLS I fixed some cosmetic changes up, such as giving the tools version 3.2.1 Package Moved the .pl files for opt ENT data, to live in the power tools folder, as they should have! Sorry FragBait0 -------------------- 3.2.1 (14 March 2005) CSG Removed HINTSKIP, this texture has been a bug, and appears to not work. -------------------- 3.2 (8 March 2005) CSG Fixed HINTSKIP showing up in the world (AKA Getting rendered, and not discarded as it should have been). RAD Included the correct HLRAD.EXE Build -------------------- 3.1 (7 March 2005) CSG Added Hint skip texture for GTK. Simply apply it as a group texture - WARNING! I do not have GTK, so this build might be not work as Planed - Thanks DeeTae for the idea. RAD Fixed Some more RAD functions in relation to ZHLT Light Flags. -------------------- 3.0 Final (3 Feb 2005) CSG Fixed Out Of World Errors in CSG, when the brushes where in-fact proper solids RAD Fixed Primary Colour Bug, with light_env Infinite v bug in HLRAD, when using odd sided texture lights Black blotches, when Infinite v would spam Package Added Opt_entdata Hlfix Makewad Mapbackup RESGen Big Thanks to ts2do, for finding the small bit of code that has stoped Final from coming out for the past 6 months -------------------- 3.0 Beta 4 (11 Nov 2004) Package Added ZHLT.wad This version fixes some issues when using a texture with capital letters Lights.rad (Hammer 3.4) Wad.cfg (1.7) ALL TOOLS Started converting functions to assembly, in other words, making each bit of code, as fast as it can go, by making it as Simple as possible CSG and BSP Cleaned up some tab spacing, so that built in command line options where displayed proper RAD Fixed Crash bug when using Opaque entities Added Faster Rad Code by Nem, Improves compile time by about 15-27% Ripent Added New command line switch (-parse), by Nem that Pareses and reformats entity data stripping all non-essential formatting, to cause less chance of a bug -------------------- 3.0 Beta 3 ALL TOOLS This version was a test, for including the MSVC.lib code, it did not work, so was removed after a small internal beta test With members of #mapcore, and #svencoop on Game surge IRC -------------------- 3.0 Beta 2 ALL TOOLS Updated Banner, with AJenbo's email address, for shared credits CSG Added AJenbo's CSG Code This Code changed the default subdivide to 240, to save on Clip nodes by about 1.2% -------------------- 3.0 Beta 1 ALL TOOLS Made the Banner look clean, and updated the Credits Added an extra line, to the Bug Reports Banner, stating that if you have a mapping error, to ask at the modifications 'Nominated Mapping Help Forum', to help nub mapmakers Updated the compile error reference code to show Tommy14's Error Page that is much more comprehensive then the Standalone ZHLTProblems.html Tweaked Tool's Complier optimising Destroyed ALL errors at /w3 level compiles VIS Added faster Vis code, by Egir This code changed the VIS Code to a basic form of assembly Tested with AMD XP Chips, Not tested on Intel Chips or Older CPUs -------------------- The Developers behind ZHLT 3.0 would also like to Thank Torus Interactive, Razor Monkey Studios, Tommy14, Rae, Lego, Gugs, the Guys #countermap, James "Pongels1" Manfield, Unknown Worlds, Mum, Dad, EB Games Australia, The staff at Carmon Drive Takeaway, Chico Foods Australia, P&N Beverages, Paul Payne