// GAME TEXTURE WAD CONFIGURATION FILE for 1.7 // use this file to set the different .wad files to be written into // the .bsp file by CSG regardless of the .wad files you might have // configured in Worldcraft. // if you want to use the configurations in this file, you MUST // specify the apropriate configuration with the // -wadconfig configration_name // parameter on CSG. otherwise, the wadfile paths in the mapfile // will be used. // if you DO specify a configuration, the wadfile paths specified // in the map file will be ignored. basically, its either this file // or the map file, not a mixture of both. // if you want to wadinclude a specific file, you may do so using // the "include" prefix. the valve configuration below has an // example commented out. all 3 examples in this file are perfectly // valid, use whichever method you are comfortable with. // make sure you change these paths to the real path to your // Half-Life directory. note, the syntax of this file has changed // significantly since version 1.4 valve { c:\Sierra\Half-Life\valve\halflife.wad c:\Sierra\Half-Life\valve\liquids.wad c:\Sierra\Half-Life\valve\xeno.wad c:\Sierra\Half-Life\valve\decals.wad //include c:\Sierra\Half-Life\valve\mywad.wad } tfc { // standard half-life wads c:\Sierra\Half-Life\valve\halflife.wad c:\Sierra\Half-Life\valve\liquids.wad c:\Sierra\Half-Life\valve\decals.wad c:\Sierra\Half-Life\valve\xeno.wad // tfc specific wads c:\Sierra\Half-Life\tfc\tfc.wad c:\Sierra\Half-Life\tfc\tfc2.wad } cs { // counter-strike specific wads c:\Sierra\Half-Life\cstrike\n0th1ng.wad c:\Sierra\Half-Life\cstrike\cstrike.wad // standard half-life wads c:\Sierra\Half-Life\valve\halflife.wad c:\Sierra\Half-Life\valve\liquids.wad c:\Sierra\Half-Life\valve\xeno.wad c:\Sierra\Half-Life\valve\decals.wad }