// phlt_copy_brush information, from the official release thread, // ( http://www.svencoop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=36733 ) : // Added a new point entity, phlt_copy_brush, which allows to change // its classname to any you want upon map compilation, e.g. func_wall, // and then take the model/appearance of an existing unique brush entity // by targetname. With this, you can, for example, make many clones of // some prefab you are using a lot, without furtherly approaching map // limits. Any additional keyvalues added with SmartEdit disabled will // be kept, allowing for perfect copies which are indistinguishable from // the original in appearance and function. It is adviced, that the entity // which's appearance you are copying over possesses an origin brush. If // you want to rotate the copy, have the new classname be func_rotating. // Func_walls are blind for angles. Furthermore, note that some entities // will cause massive errors when having an origin brush, e.g. func_water. // For such cases, look at the offset of the original entity to where // the copy is supposed to be, and offset the phlt_copy_brush entity that // much from the origin of the coordinate system (0, 0, 0). Also, note // that the copies will look exactly as the original, including its // lighting and decals placed on it, no matter whether from map start or // while the map is running (bullet holes, sprays, blood, etc.), and that // the copies cannot emit texturelights. @PointClass size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) color(60 242 58) = phlt_copy_brush : "Copies models from other entities" [ phlt_cpm_target(string) : "Copy Target" phlt_cpm_class(string) : "Class" : "func_rotating" targetname(target_source) : "Name" angles(string) : "Pitch Yaw Roll (X Z Y)" : "0 0 0" ] // shlt_entity_wildcard information, from the official release thread, // ( http://www.svencoop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=36733 ) : // This entity, upon compile, emits "wildcard_amount" - 1 info_targets, // and morphs this shlt_entity_wildcard into a trigger_auto, which // killtargets the emitted info_targets "delay" seconds after map start // and also removes itself. // The purpose of this is to prevent a crash from too many entities in // the middle of the map. Instead, the server would crash on map load, // and prevent frustration among players from a crash in the middle of play. @PointClass size(-24 -24 -24, 24 24 24) color(32 96 255) = shlt_entity_wildcard : "Edicts-Wildcard" [ killtarget(string) : "Wildcard name" : "shlt_wildcards" wildcard_amount(integer) : "Wildcard size (Entities) (>=1)" : 50 delay(string) : "Delay before removal (>=0.5)" : "1.0" ]