#ifndef HLRAD_H__ #define HLRAD_H__ #if _MSC_VER >= 1000 #pragma once #endif #include "cmdlib.h" #include "messages.h" #include "win32fix.h" #include "log.h" #include "hlassert.h" #include "mathlib.h" #include "bspfile.h" #include "winding.h" #include "scriplib.h" #include "threads.h" #include "blockmem.h" #include "filelib.h" #include "winding.h" #ifdef SYSTEM_WIN32 #pragma warning(disable:4142 4028) #include #pragma warning(default: 4142 4028) #endif #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H #include #endif #ifdef STDC_HEADERS #include #endif #ifdef SYSTEM_WIN32 #include #endif #define DEFAULT_LERP_ENABLED true #define DEFAULT_FADE 1.0 #define DEFAULT_FALLOFF 2 #define DEFAULT_BOUNCE 1 #define DEFAULT_BOUNCE_DYNAMIC true #define DEFAULT_DUMPPATCHES false #define DEFAULT_AMBIENT_RED 0.0 #define DEFAULT_AMBIENT_GREEN 0.0 #define DEFAULT_AMBIENT_BLUE 0.0 #define DEFAULT_MAXLIGHT 256.0 #define DEFAULT_TEXSCALE true #define DEFAULT_CHOP 64.0 #define DEFAULT_TEXCHOP 32.0 #define DEFAULT_LIGHTSCALE 1.0 #define DEFAULT_DLIGHT_THRESHOLD 25.0 #define DEFAULT_DLIGHT_SCALE 2.0 #define DEFAULT_SMOOTHING_VALUE 50.0 #define DEFAULT_INCREMENTAL false #ifdef ZHLT_PROGRESSFILE // AJM #define DEFAULT_PROGRESSFILE NULL // progress file is only used if g_progressfile is non-null #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Changes by Adam Foster - afoster@compsoc.man.ac.uk // superseded by DEFAULT_COLOUR_LIGHTSCALE_* #ifndef HLRAD_WHOME #define DEFAULT_LIGHTSCALE 1.0 #endif // superseded by DEFAULT_COLOUR_GAMMA_* #ifndef HLRAD_WHOME #define DEFAULT_GAMMA 0.5 #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #define DEFAULT_INDIRECT_SUN 1.0 #define DEFAULT_EXTRA false #define DEFAULT_SKY_LIGHTING_FIX true #define DEFAULT_CIRCUS false #define DEFAULT_CORING 1.0 #define DEFAULT_SUBDIVIDE true #define DEFAULT_CHART false #define DEFAULT_SKYCLIP true #define DEFAULT_INFO true #define DEFAULT_ALLOW_OPAQUES true // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Changes by Adam Foster - afoster@compsoc.man.ac.uk #ifdef HLRAD_WHOME #define DEFAULT_COLOUR_GAMMA_RED 0.5 #define DEFAULT_COLOUR_GAMMA_GREEN 0.5 #define DEFAULT_COLOUR_GAMMA_BLUE 0.5 #define DEFAULT_COLOUR_LIGHTSCALE_RED 1.0 #define DEFAULT_COLOUR_LIGHTSCALE_GREEN 1.0 #define DEFAULT_COLOUR_LIGHTSCALE_BLUE 1.0 #define DEFAULT_COLOUR_JITTER_HACK_RED 0.0 #define DEFAULT_COLOUR_JITTER_HACK_GREEN 0.0 #define DEFAULT_COLOUR_JITTER_HACK_BLUE 0.0 #define DEFAULT_JITTER_HACK_RED 0.0 #define DEFAULT_JITTER_HACK_GREEN 0.0 #define DEFAULT_JITTER_HACK_BLUE 0.0 #define DEFAULT_DIFFUSE_HACK true #define DEFAULT_SPOTLIGHT_HACK true #define DEFAULT_SOFTLIGHT_HACK_RED 0.0 #define DEFAULT_SOFTLIGHT_HACK_GREEN 0.0 #define DEFAULT_SOFTLIGHT_HACK_BLUE 0.0 #define DEFAULT_SOFTLIGHT_HACK_DISTANCE 0.0 #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // O_o ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // Changes by Jussi Kivilinna [http://hullu.xtragaming.com/] #ifdef HLRAD_HULLU // Transparency light support for bounced light(transfers) is extreamly slow // for 'vismatrix' and 'sparse' atm. // Only recommended to be used with 'nomatrix' mode #define DEFAULT_CUSTOMSHADOW_WITH_BOUNCELIGHT false // RGB Transfers support for HLRAD .. to be used with -customshadowwithbounce #define DEFAULT_RGB_TRANSFERS false #endif // o_O ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #ifdef SYSTEM_WIN32 #define DEFAULT_ESTIMATE false #endif #ifdef SYSTEM_POSIX #define DEFAULT_ESTIMATE true #endif // Ideally matches what is in the FGD :) #define SPAWNFLAG_NOBLEEDADJUST (1 << 0) // DEFAULT_HUNT_OFFSET is how many units in front of the plane to place the samples // Unit of '1' causes the 1 unit crate trick to cause extra shadows #define DEFAULT_HUNT_OFFSET 0.5 // DEFAULT_HUNT_SIZE number of iterations (one based) of radial search in HuntForWorld #define DEFAULT_HUNT_SIZE 11 // DEFAULT_HUNT_SCALE amount to grow from origin point per iteration of DEFAULT_HUNT_SIZE in HuntForWorld #define DEFAULT_HUNT_SCALE 0.1 // If patches are allowed to be closer, the light gets amplified (which looks really damn weird) #define MINIMUM_PATCH_DISTANCE 1.01 // // LIGHTMAP.C STUFF // typedef enum { emit_surface, emit_point, emit_spotlight, emit_skylight } emittype_t; typedef struct directlight_s { struct directlight_s* next; emittype_t type; int style; vec3_t origin; vec3_t intensity; vec3_t normal; // for surfaces and spotlights float stopdot; // for spotlights float stopdot2; // for spotlights // 'Arghrad'-like features vec_t fade; // falloff scaling for linear and inverse square falloff 1.0 = normal, 0.5 = farther, 2.0 = shorter etc unsigned char falloff; // falloff style 0 = default (inverse square), 1 = inverse falloff, 2 = inverse square (arghrad compat) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Changes by Adam Foster - afoster@compsoc.man.ac.uk // Diffuse light_environment light colour // Really horrible hack which probably won't work! #ifdef HLRAD_WHOME vec3_t diffuse_intensity; #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } directlight_t; #define TRANSFER_SCALE_VAL (USHRT_MAX/4) #define TRANSFER_SCALE (1.0 / TRANSFER_SCALE_VAL) #define INVERSE_TRANSFER_SCALE (TRANSFER_SCALE_VAL) #define TRANSFER_SCALE_MAX (TRANSFER_SCALE_VAL * 4) typedef struct { unsigned size : 12; unsigned index : 20; } transfer_index_t; typedef unsigned transfer_raw_index_t; typedef float transfer_data_t; //Special RGB mode for transfers #ifdef HLRAD_HULLU #if defined(HLRAD_HULLU_48BIT_RGB_TRANSFERS) && defined(HLRAD_HULLU_96BIT_RGB_TRANSFERS) #error Conflict: Both HLRAD_HULLU_48BIT_RGB_TRANSFERS and HLRAD_HULLU_96BIT_RGB_TRANSFERS defined! #elif defined(HLRAD_HULLU_96BIT_RGB_TRANSFERS) //96bit (no noticeable difference to 48bit) typedef float rgb_transfer_t[3]; #else //default.. 48bit typedef unsigned short rgb_transfer_t[3]; #endif typedef rgb_transfer_t rgb_transfer_data_t; #endif #define MAX_COMPRESSED_TRANSFER_INDEX_SIZE ((1 << 12) - 1) #define MAX_PATCHES (65545*4) // hard limit #define MAX_VISMATRIX_PATCHES 65545 // hard limit #define MAX_SPARSE_VISMATRIX_PATCHES MAX_PATCHES typedef enum { ePatchFlagNull = 0, ePatchFlagOutside = 1 } ePatchFlags; typedef struct patch_s { struct patch_s* next; // next in face vec3_t origin; // Center centroid of winding (cached info calculated from winding) vec_t area; // Surface area of this patch (cached info calculated from winding) Winding* winding; // Winding (patches are triangles, so its easy) vec_t scale; // Texture scale for this face (blend of S and T scale) vec_t chop; // Texture chop for this face factoring in S and T scale unsigned iIndex; unsigned iData; transfer_index_t* tIndex; transfer_data_t* tData; #ifdef HLRAD_HULLU rgb_transfer_data_t* tRGBData; #endif int faceNumber; ePatchFlags flags; #ifdef ZHLT_TEXLIGHT int totalstyle[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; //LRC - gives the styles for use by the new switchable totallight values vec3_t totallight[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // accumulated by radiosity does NOT include light accounted for by direct lighting vec3_t directlight[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // direct light only int emitstyle; //LRC - for switchable texlights vec3_t baselight; // emissivity only, uses emitstyle vec3_t samplelight[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; int samples[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // for averaging direct light #else vec3_t totallight; // accumulated by radiosity does NOT include light accounted for by direct lighting vec3_t baselight; // emissivity only vec3_t directlight; // direct light value vec3_t samplelight; int samples; // for averaging direct light #endif } patch_t; #ifdef ZHLT_TEXLIGHT //LRC vec3_t* GetTotalLight(patch_t* patch, int style); #endif typedef struct { dface_t* faces[2]; vec3_t interface_normal; vec_t cos_normals_angle; bool coplanar; } edgeshare_t; extern edgeshare_t g_edgeshare[MAX_MAP_EDGES]; // // lerp.c stuff // typedef struct lerprect_s { dplane_t plane; // all walls will be perpindicular to face normal in some direction vec3_t vertex[4]; } lerpWall_t; typedef struct lerpdist_s { vec_t dist; unsigned patch; } lerpDist_t; // Valve's default was 2048 originally. // MAX_LERP_POINTS causes lerpTriangulation_t to consume : // 2048 : roughly 17.5Mb // 3072 : roughly 35Mb // 4096 : roughly 70Mb #define DEFAULT_MAX_LERP_POINTS 512 #define DEFAULT_MAX_LERP_WALLS 128 typedef struct { unsigned maxpoints; unsigned numpoints; unsigned maxwalls; unsigned numwalls; patch_t** points; // maxpoints lerpDist_t* dists; // numpoints after points is populated lerpWall_t* walls; // maxwalls unsigned facenum; const dface_t* face; const dplane_t* plane; } lerpTriangulation_t; // These are bitflags for lighting adjustments for special cases typedef enum { eModelLightmodeNull = 0, eModelLightmodeEmbedded = 0x01, eModelLightmodeOpaque = 0x02, eModelLightmodeConcave = 0x04 } eModelLightmodes; typedef struct { Winding* winding; vec3_t mins; vec3_t maxs; dplane_t plane; unsigned facenum; #ifdef HLRAD_HULLU vec3_t transparency_scale; bool transparency; #endif } opaqueList_t; #define OPAQUE_ARRAY_GROWTH_SIZE 1024 // // qrad globals // extern patch_t* g_face_patches[MAX_MAP_FACES]; extern entity_t* g_face_entity[MAX_MAP_FACES]; extern vec3_t g_face_offset[MAX_MAP_FACES]; // for models with origins extern eModelLightmodes g_face_lightmode[MAX_MAP_FACES]; extern vec3_t g_face_centroids[MAX_MAP_EDGES]; extern patch_t g_patches[MAX_PATCHES]; extern unsigned g_num_patches; extern float g_lightscale; extern float g_dlight_threshold; extern float g_coring; extern int g_lerp_enabled; extern void MakeShadowSplits(); //============================================== extern bool g_extra; extern vec3_t g_ambient; extern vec_t g_direct_scale; extern float g_maxlight; extern unsigned g_numbounce; extern float g_qgamma; extern float g_indirect_sun; extern float g_smoothing_threshold; extern float g_smoothing_value; extern bool g_estimate; extern char g_source[_MAX_PATH]; extern vec_t g_fade; extern int g_falloff; extern bool g_incremental; extern bool g_circus; extern bool g_sky_lighting_fix; extern vec_t g_chop; // Chop value for normal textures extern vec_t g_texchop; // Chop value for texture lights extern opaqueList_t* g_opaque_face_list; extern unsigned g_opaque_face_count; extern unsigned g_max_opaque_face_count; // Current array maximum (used for reallocs) #ifdef ZHLT_PROGRESSFILE // AJM extern char* g_progressfile ; #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Changes by Adam Foster - afoster@compsoc.man.ac.uk #ifdef HLRAD_WHOME extern vec3_t g_colour_qgamma; extern vec3_t g_colour_lightscale; extern vec3_t g_colour_jitter_hack; extern vec3_t g_jitter_hack; extern bool g_diffuse_hack; extern bool g_spotlight_hack; extern vec3_t g_softlight_hack; extern float g_softlight_hack_distance; #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifdef HLRAD_HULLU extern bool g_customshadow_with_bouncelight; extern bool g_rgb_transfers; extern const vec3_t vec3_one; #endif extern void MakeTnodes(dmodel_t* bm); extern void PairEdges(); extern void BuildFacelights(int facenum); extern void PrecompLightmapOffsets(); extern void FinalLightFace(int facenum); extern int TestLine(const vec3_t start, const vec3_t stop); extern int TestLine_r(int node, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t stop); extern void CreateDirectLights(); extern void DeleteDirectLights(); extern void GetPhongNormal(int facenum, vec3_t spot, vec3_t phongnormal); #ifdef HLRAD_HULLU typedef bool (*funcCheckVisBit) (unsigned, unsigned, vec3_t&, unsigned int&); #else typedef bool (*funcCheckVisBit) (unsigned, unsigned); #endif extern funcCheckVisBit g_CheckVisBit; // qradutil.c extern vec_t PatchPlaneDist(const patch_t* const patch); extern dleaf_t* PointInLeaf(const vec3_t point); extern void MakeBackplanes(); extern const dplane_t* getPlaneFromFace(const dface_t* const face); extern const dplane_t* getPlaneFromFaceNumber(unsigned int facenum); extern void getAdjustedPlaneFromFaceNumber(unsigned int facenum, dplane_t* plane); extern dleaf_t* HuntForWorld(vec_t* point, const vec_t* plane_offset, const dplane_t* plane, int hunt_size, vec_t hunt_scale, vec_t hunt_offset); // makescales.c extern void MakeScalesVismatrix(); extern void MakeScalesSparseVismatrix(); extern void MakeScalesNoVismatrix(); // transfers.c extern unsigned g_total_transfer; extern bool readtransfers(const char* const transferfile, long numpatches); extern void writetransfers(const char* const transferfile, long total_patches); // vismatrixutil.c (shared between vismatrix.c and sparse.c) extern void SwapTransfers(int patchnum); extern void MakeScales(int threadnum); extern void DumpTransfersMemoryUsage(); #ifdef HLRAD_HULLU extern void SwapRGBTransfers(int patchnum); extern void MakeRGBScales(int threadnum); // transparency.c (transparency array functions - shared between vismatrix.c and sparse.c) extern void GetTransparency(const unsigned p1, const unsigned p2, vec3_t &trans, unsigned int &next_index); extern void AddTransparencyToRawArray(const unsigned p1, const unsigned p2, const vec3_t trans); extern void CreateFinalTransparencyArrays(const char *print_name); extern void FreeTransparencyArrays(); #endif // lerp.c #ifdef ZHLT_TEXLIGHT extern void SampleTriangulation(const lerpTriangulation_t* const trian, vec3_t point, vec3_t result, int style); //LRC #else extern void SampleTriangulation(const lerpTriangulation_t* const trian, vec3_t point, vec3_t result); #endif extern void DestroyTriangulation(lerpTriangulation_t* trian); extern lerpTriangulation_t* CreateTriangulation(unsigned int facenum); extern void FreeTriangulation(lerpTriangulation_t* trian); // mathutil.c #ifdef HLRAD_HULLU extern int TestSegmentAgainstOpaqueList(const vec_t* p1, const vec_t* p2, vec3_t &scaleout); #else extern int TestSegmentAgainstOpaqueList(const vec_t* p1, const vec_t* p2); #endif #ifdef HLRAD_FASTMATH extern void PlaneFromPoints(const vec_t* const p1, const vec_t* const p2, const vec_t* const p3, dplane_t* plane); extern bool LineSegmentIntersectsPlane(const dplane_t& plane, const vec_t* const p1, const vec_t* const p2, vec3_t& point); extern bool PointInWinding(const Winding* const W, const dplane_t* const plane, const vec_t* const point); extern bool PointInWall(const lerpWall_t* const wall, const vec_t* const point); extern bool PointInTri(const vec_t* const point, const dplane_t* const plane, const vec_t* const p1, const vec_t* const p2, const vec_t* const p3); extern void SnapToPlane(const dplane_t* const plane, vec_t* const point, const vec_t offset); #else extern bool intersect_line_plane(const dplane_t* const plane, const vec_t* const p1, const vec_t* const p2, vec3_t point); extern bool intersect_linesegment_plane(const dplane_t* const plane, const vec_t* const p1, const vec_t* const p2,vec3_t point); extern void plane_from_points(const vec3_t p1, const vec3_t p2, const vec3_t p3, dplane_t* plane); extern bool point_in_winding(const Winding& w, const dplane_t& plane, const vec_t* point); extern bool point_in_wall(const lerpWall_t* wall, vec3_t point); extern bool point_in_tri(const vec3_t point, const dplane_t* const plane, const vec3_t p1, const vec3_t p2, const vec3_t p3); extern void ProjectionPoint(const vec_t* const v, const vec_t* const p, vec_t* rval); extern void SnapToPlane(const dplane_t* const plane, vec_t* const point, vec_t offset); #endif #endif //HLRAD_H__