Super Half Life Tools (SHLT) Version 3.7 Read me File 10/04/2009 ---------- About This Document: This document contains last-minute information about SHLT, including questions you may have concerning the tools or your computer. If you have a question, check to see if it is addressed here first: you may save yourself an email to me at a latter date. ---------- I. GENERAL TECHNICAL ISSUES II. LICENCE III. CONTACTING ME ---------- I. GENERAL TECHNICAL ISSUES To get the code to run you should have a copy of VS 2005 Final (Pro). The code has not been tested in the betas and the freeware issue of VS 2005 (C++) has no support to compile 64bit. There are allot of "warnings" when you do compile, but these should be ignored - as fixing them causes compile errors, such as hull holes, and invisible walls - along with bad lighting, and slower compiles. The code should work with a *nix complier that has support for Microsoft secure memory commands. ---------- II. LICENCE 0) This code is protected by the GPL, a link to the GPL can be found at the end of this page. 1) In addition to the GPL, the Valve SDK 2.3 EULA overrides any rights you may have obtained in the GPL, when needed. 2) The iD Quake 2 Licence overrides portions of both the Valve EULA, and the GPL where needed, please contact iD for information on this subject. Copy of the GPL Valve SDK EULA Quake II Source EULA ---------- III. CONTACTING ME I can be contacted via Email MSN Website