Backup.bci 1.7 KB

  1. // Specification: Backup
  2. // Written by: Ryan Gregg
  3. // Version: 2.0
  4. // Created: August 4, 2004
  5. // Last updated: August 4, 2004
  6. Batch
  7. {
  8. Name "Backup"
  9. Priority "1"
  10. Links "Backup,"
  11. Stages "Backup"
  12. Filter "Supported Files|*.map;*.rmf;*.bsp|MAP Files (*.map)|*.map|RMF Files (*.rmf)|*.rmf|BSP Files (*.bsp)|*.bsp"
  13. Template "@echo off\n"_
  14. "\"${StagePath=Backup}\" ${StageParam=Backup} \"${FilePath}\\${FileName}\"\n"
  15. }
  16. //
  17. // Backup
  18. //
  19. Stage
  20. {
  21. Name "Backup"
  22. Type "Program"
  23. Filter "MAPBACKUP (mapbackup.exe)|mapbackup.exe"
  24. CheckBox
  25. {
  26. Name "Sub-Directory Save"
  27. Param "-dir"
  28. Hint "\tPlace backups of all files inside \filename\.\n\n"_
  29. "\tBy default, an incremental backup will be created of your mapfile (,, etc) in the same directory everytime you compile. This switch will override that behaviour and create a sub-directory using the map file name."
  30. }
  31. TextBox
  32. {
  33. Name "Maximum Backup Files"
  34. Param "-max"
  35. Type "Integer"
  36. Default "64"
  37. Min "0"
  38. Max "64"
  39. Hint "\tSpecify a maximum number of backup files to create.\n\n"_
  40. "\tOnce the maximum number of backups is reached (defined by -max), the program starts overwriting at 1 and counts up again."
  41. }
  42. TextBox
  43. {
  44. Name "Extension"
  45. Param "-ext"
  46. Type "String"
  47. Hint "\tForce a specific extension for all backup files."
  48. }
  49. FolderBox
  50. {
  51. Name "Backup Path"
  52. Param "-out"
  53. Hint "\tForce a specific backup directory path (negates -ext and -dir)."
  54. }
  55. Space
  56. {
  57. Size "6"
  58. }
  59. TextBox
  60. {
  61. Name "Additional Parameters"
  62. Type "String"
  63. Size "3"
  64. Hint "\tAdd additional parameters here as you would a command line."
  65. }
  66. }