// AJM: added file in #ifndef WADPATH_H__ #define WADPATH_H__ #define MAX_WADPATHS 128 // arbitrary typedef struct { char path[_MAX_PATH]; bool usedbymap; // does this map requrie this wad to be included in the bsp? int usedtextures; // number of textures in this wad the map actually uses } wadpath_t;//!!! the above two are VERY DIFFERENT. ie (usedtextures == 0) != (usedbymap == false) extern wadpath_t* g_pWadPaths[MAX_WADPATHS]; extern int g_iNumWadPaths; extern void PushWadPath(const char* const path, bool inuse); extern bool IsUsedWadPath(const char* const path); extern bool IsListedWadPath(const char* const path); extern void FreeWadPaths(); extern void GetUsedWads(); #endif // WADPATH_H__